Forming - Precision Brake and Roll Forming
Turning flat and straight parts into 3D (three dimensional) shapes is typically the second step in most of our manufacturing processes. This can come in the form of tube bending, wire bending, roll forming or precision bending sheet metal with press brakes.
Precision forming is critical to our customers and our own processes. Tight tolerance allows for proper fit-up at assembly or in welding, and allows for more consistent and maintainable processes down stream.

Precision Press Brakes:
Rhino Mfg Inc has invested in more modern technology in our forming department. Traditional Brake Press/Press Brakes utilize large hydraulic rams on either side of a heavy steel bed to apply tonnage across tooling to form sheet metal. This technology requires highly skilled operators to measure, shim, test and repeat the set-up of a machine before producing a good part. The result is long set-up times and many scrap parts before launching a production run. Modern technology utilizes electric servo motors and hydraulic bolster clamps to drastically reduce set-up times and make jobs easily documented and repeatable with one program.
Finn-Power E-Brake:
This 10' bed, 110Ton machine allows you to benefit from modern technology for fast, precision forming. Tonnage is evenly applied across the upper beam by two serpentine belts driven by two electric servo-motors. Whether a part requires 0.25" wide or 120" wide bends, this brake can handle multiple tooling set-ups at one time and applies high precision to rapid production speed.
Prima Power eP-0520:
This 80" bed, 55Ton machine is our second servo-electric brake press. This machine is typically programmed off-line with known tooling catalog and forming parameters, allowing our operators to focus on production rather than tweaking part programs and set-ups. The result is tight tolerance forming in cost efficient production runs.
Roll Forming:
Often referred to as an art more than a science, Rhino Mfg Inc team has spent many hours dialing in the roll forming parameters required to produce quality, repeatable parts. With one precision roller in house, we do utilize multiple vendor partners when certain parts exceed our capabilities.
JMT Roller, MRB 1504:
This precision roller can handle materials up to 0.188" thick, rolling cylinders as small as 5" in Diameter as large as 96" in length.
Tube Bending:
Rhino does some modest tube bending in house. With a focus on single bend or single plane formed parts, these are simple components for weldments or assemblies. When complicated, precise and multiple axis bends are required; we enlist the help of trusted and experienced tube bending vendor partners. See some of the weld and assembly work we do for truly appreciating this form.